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Niederfellabrunn CD Production

Every year we receive dozens of offers from ensembles and soloists who would like to perform in Niederfellabrunn. In some cases they are also interested in making a recording. Many years ago CDs were actually recorded in our place, however by external technicians with their own equipment. In the last 10 years or so, however, we live-recorded almost all concerts with our own equipment and produced Walter Riemer's own CDs as well as a few demo CDs for friends. So we decided to generally offer this service; however, there was no reaction, and our time is limited, anyway: So we do n ot offer this service any more.

We created also our own CD label as well as an associated Web Shop.

Our concert live recordings, however, are not for publication. We archive them and do not use them in any way. All rights remain with the musicians. As visitors of our web site you can listen to some music pieces in .MP3 format animated music anhören.

The covers of the produced CDs are often interesting picture material, and we do not want to withhold some particularly pretty ones from you. If you want to see one of the small pictures larger, click on it!

Cover Riemer Fortepiano Cover Aquae Brass Cover Scottish Songs Cover Altenberg Trio Cover Camarata Antiqua
Cover National Theater Prague Cover Önders Piano Duo Cover Beatrice Petitet Cover Florian Boesch Cover Winterreise Wildhaber
Cover Till Fellner Cover Altenberg Trio Cover Birgit Steinberger Cover Kutrowatz Cover Richard Harwood
Cover Wiener Horn Quartett

Cover Riemer Fortepiano CD